Hahnemann states in the aphorism 72 of the Organon of the Medicine:

“Chronic diseases are those which, each in its own way, dynamically mistune the living organism with small, often unnoticed beginnings. They gradually remove it from the healthy state in such a way and to such an extent that the automatic life energy, called the life force or life principle, which was ordained to sustain health, opposes them.”

  • Chronic diseases are long-lasting conditions.
  • They can generally be controlled but not cured by conventional methods.
  • Animals with chronic diseases often have their quality of life affected by the symptoms.
  • They must take medications to maintain an acceptable state of health, with some adverse effects over time.
  • Chronic diseases can also lead to acute health problems and complications that can shorten their life expectancy.
Chronic Diseases that can be treated or complemented with Homeopathic medicines:

  • Acquired chronic disease.
    • Contagion (FLV, FIV, Lyme disease, Leishmaniasis, etc.)
    • Vaccinations (Rabies, Leptospira, influenza, etc.)
    • Drug-induced (Steroids, Cytostatic, NSAIDS, etc., principally used for long time)
  • Inherited chronic disease.
    • Symptoms begin early in life.
    • Failure to thrive or develop properly.
    • Symptoms begin early in life.
  • Symptoms seen were present in parents.
    • Chronic disease, complicated by palliation or suppression.
    • Developed (long-term) disease with pathology.

The treatment of Chronic Diseases with homeopathy has a different approach than that of acute diseases.

Taking the case is much deeper and more complex; knowing the patient in all their dimensions is an essential objective for healing.

This includes the patient’s entire history, from the initial stages of their personal and family life, past illnesses, their behavior, likes and dislikes, how their symptoms manifest, and the pathological lesions of their disease.

Also, performing the physical and complementary examinations allows for an accurate diagnosis and prognosis, contributing to symptomatic totality, choosing the medication most similar to the case, and administering it correctly.

In general, chronic cases need a long time for treatment and evolution; depending on their complexity, it can take weeks, months, or even years.

They can significantly improve the quality of life and, in many cases, cure patients and reduce or avoid conventional medications that have their adverse effects enhanced when used for long periods.

How to proceed?

Contact us by phone, email, or on our website to schedule an appointment.