Homeopathy was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago and is a therapeutic method that uses the principle of similarity and diluted dynamic medications to cure sick patients.

The principle of similarity is based on using substances capable of producing in healthy individuals the same symptoms that you want to cure in sick patients, stimulating the use of their defense mechanisms without adverse effects.

Homeopathic medicines are diluted dynamis, prepared from substances of plant, mineral, and other origins; progressively diluted and shaken to reduce their chemical activity and increase their energy capacity, which allows stimulating biological defense mechanisms in sick individuals, without adverse effects.

Homeopathic treatment: According to the patient’s condition, the homeopathic medicine (most similar) and the indicated dilution (6 C, 30 C, 200 C, etc.) are selected.

They are prescribed in liquid form (10% hydroalcoholic solution for preservation) or sucrose or lactose globules.

Its administration is oral, directly in the mouth or mixed with food or treats, at a frequency and time determined by the patient’s condition.

Once treatment has started, they must be re-evaluated periodically to see the patient’s response, as with other conventional therapies.

To see:

Homeopathic Pharmacy

They are produced by specialized pharmaceutical companies that follow the instructions of homeopathic pharmacopoeias and each country’s specific regulations.

In the United States, it is officially recognized by the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (H.P.U.S.).

No FDA-approved products are labeled as homeopathic; this means that any product labeled as homeopathic is being marketed in the U.S. without FDA evaluation for safety or effectiveness. However:

The FDA does compulsorily certify the standard of homeopathic pharmaceutical companies, and this certification can be withdrawn if the established regulations are not met.

The following must appear on medication labels:

  • The name of the medicine and its dynamis dilution: Ex: Hypericum perforatum 30 C
  • Your identification in the HPUS: Ex: HPUS NDC 0220-2581-41
  • The FDA company identification number: Ex: FDA Est # 000340044